з Ϲ | ڸ | ְȣ |
, 2012 뺧 ھ ١"žళ ֿ ߰"
     з : Ϲ
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        <strong class="media_end_summary"> հ , Ǿǰ ü ȣ ԸCell </strong><span class="end_photo_org"><em class="img_desc">Gܹü Gܹ ȰȭŰ .© 1</em></span><br>(=1) ּҸ = 2012 뺧ȭл ھ ο ´. 뺧 žళ߿ ߿ Ȱ Ư ܹ žళ ƴ϶ ο ̴. žళ з ٲ ̴.<br><br>бźδ հб а 'Gܹü'(GPCR) ܺ ȣ ϱ ȭ Ըϰ ๰ ߿ Ȱ ִ Gܹü ߴٰ 10 .<br><br> Ҹ Gܹü ܺ ȣ ϸ Gܹ ȣް踦 ȰȭѴ. 츮 ðİ鿪 Gܹü ȯ, , , ź, ȯ, ˷, , 索 ɸ ִ. 40% Gܹü ۿѴ.<br><br> 2012⿡ Gܹü Gܹ յ Ը ֵ ιƮ ũ ̾ ںī ۵ 뺧ȭл ƴ. 뺧 뺧 ܹ žళ . Gܹü Gܹ ϱ ʿ Ȳ̾.<br><br>̹ ֵ 2012 뺧 ںī ǿ ڻĿ ִ. 2012 뺧 ̾ 2011 ںī 'ó' Բ ̸ Ʊ⵵ ߴ. 2012 հ ϴ Gܹü Gܹ ϰ Ǵ ϱ ߴ. ο м ϳ 'Pulsed labeling HDX-MS' ߴ. ʿ ܹ ڻĿ 뺧 ںī Բ ޱ⵵ ߴ.<br><br> 2012 뺧 Gܹü Gܹ ü ȣ Ͼ Ÿ. ȣ Ͼ ߴ ̴. Gܹü ܺ ȣ ϱ ȭ Ըߴ. ư ๰ ߿ Ȱ ִ Gܹü ߴ.<br><br> "뺧 ȿ žళ Gܹ հ Ըϱ⿡ ƴ ִ"鼭 " ʱ Gܹü ϴ ȿ žళ ϴ" ߴ.<br><br>̷ ھ ̱⿡ а迡 ޾Ƶ鿩 ʴ ޱ⵵ ߴ. "2016⵵ м ־ ͸ ϰ о ̴ ȸ ǥ ڵ ȭ ؽŰ ʿߴ" ȸߴ.<br><br> "2012 뺧ȭл Ǿ Gܹü Gܹ Ȱ з ٲٴ ̷ ߴ"鼭 " Gܹü ۿϴ Ǿǰ ο "̶ ߴ.<br><br>̹ 10 м ''(Cell) Ƿȴ.<br><br><span class="end_photo_org"><em class="img_desc">հ © 1</em></span><br><br>somangchoi@news1.kr<br><br>

[ ũ ] [ KFF 2019 ]

̹ ο [1] ϱ!

[© 1ڸ(news1.kr), ]

忡 ִ ִ 麸 ǥ ޴´ ſ

ּ. ñ . コŹ ̴ϱ?. ׷ ׳࿡ Կ 𸥴. Ҹƴ.

ƴ üġ? ٸ ̶ ִ ߰ 渶Ʈ 迴ٴ ȴ. 

ް õ渶ûƮ ʾ? ܸ Ͼ ִ

ƴ üġ? ٸ ̶ ִ tv ϰ

׳ ϴ°. ֻ ߴ. ˻ ְ Ѻ ʾƿ. .

ϰ ѱȸ

? ǽ ٴ ? ٶô. 渶Ʈּ Ƶ ϰڴٴ ϸ ְھ. ڽ

װ ̸ Ҹ 緹̽ ־ ͼ ؾ . 


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79756 Ϲ     ). ϺϽø丶 ǩ ޷ ־ 0 0
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79753 Ϲ     国対国国񪷪国 0 0
79752 Ϲ      ϼ 5, 6 Ǹŷ 2.2% ҡƸ þ 0 0
Ϲ      , 2012 뺧 ھ ١"žళ ֿ ߰" 0 0
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